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LOVE LANGUAGE #2: Quality Time

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Spending quality time together through sharing, listening, and participating in joint meaningful activities communicates that we truly care for and enjoy each other.

1. “My job is so demanding” may be a statement of excuse for not spending quality time with your spouse. Yet success and material provision can’t substitute for intimacy. Set up a plan with your spouse to balance your responsibilities to allow for adequate quality time. Be sacrificial in the trade-offs you make.

2. Bill realized that Betty Jo’s primary love language was “quality time,” so he made a list of things he knew she would like for him to do with her. Walks, vacations, or simply more talks with the children all involved the sharing of themselves in the midst of worthwhile activities. Create your own list and
make a commitment to two items within the next month.

3. Look back upon the last major problem or challenge your spouse faced. Write out ways you could have better achieved the following: (a) less advice and more sympathy; (b) more understanding and fewer solutions; (c) more questions and
fewer conclusions; (d) more attention to the person and less to the problem.

4. Find out how important “shared activities” are in your marriage. Pick three experiences that brought you very close and are a source of continuing fond memories. Did these experiences involve quality time in shared activities? Plan
a new event that has strong “memory” potential.

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