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How to Put the Sizzle Back in Your Marriage - Part 2

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Take each other out on a date. Just because you're married doesn't mean you should stop dating. Remember the fun and excitement of dating? You can recapture it by making a date at least once a week. Take turns taking each other out.

Explore new activities together. Life offers so many options and opportunities. Find activities you both like and do them-anything from dancing to going to the opera to traveling around the world!

Have a family council once a week. Set aside a special time when both of you can talk about whatever you want. Topics can range from something that's bothering you to problems at work to planning a fun activity. Of course, you don't have to wait until family council to talk. If something's disturbing you now, bring it up as soon as possible. Holding feelings inside can be detrimental to the marriage.

Pay attention to each other's needs and wants. In fact, you should compete to make each other happy! If you both make it a point to become aware of your spouse's wants and needs and then do your best to satisfy them, even if it requires some personal sacrifice, you're guaranteed to have a happy marriage.

Work together as a team. You're equal partners in this marriage. Neither spouse should dominate. Make decisions on matters of mutual concern together, and be prepared to compromise when you're unable to agree. Let's say you're planning a trip together, and you want to go to Costa Rica but your spouse wants to go to Thailand. Obviously, if one partner insists on getting his or her way, the other may end up feeling disappointed and resentful. Consider your other options. You can both select and agree on a totally different place. You can decide to go to one place one year and the other place another year. If your finances allow, you can spend half your vacation in Costa Rica and the other half in Thailand. Whatever decision is made, you both need to be happy with it.

Click HERE for Part 3.

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